Monday, March 23, 2009

March 23

I sent the March 16 blog post to the guys in an accountability group I attend. Afterward, a friend commented to me on the imagery of a bug splattered on a windshield locomotive. Well, it just seemed natural, given the large number of locomotives in the world and the even larger number of bugs.

I finished my third chemotherapy treatment six days ago. (I've got three more to go.) I've been pretty washed out since then, but hopefully things are turning around. This post may not be long, as I've got to go upstairs and catch a nap.

Paul Rudy's surgery, which I mentioned in the March 10 post, was successful in removing all the cancer. That is a huge blessing! But just a day before he underwent surgery, a family in his church with an eight-year old son named Jacob got very bad news. Jacob had been diagnosed more than a year earlier with a very aggressive cancer, neuroblastoma, but treatment had apparently gotten rid of it. However--recent tests showed it's come back. We need to pray for him and his family. His Mom and Dad are named Florita and Harry, and he has two younger siblings.

My church is beginning a small-group ministry in just a couple of weeks. I am heading a men's accountability group modeled on Ouija Sink's group at Redeemer Presbyterian in Winston-Salem. Ouija's group, called simply TMAG (Tuesday Men's Accountability Group) has worked tremendous progress in the lives of a number of men struggling with both heterosexual and homosexual sin. I was a charter member in July of 2003, and it has enabled me to get a handle on an addiction to heterosexual pornography and lust. I am praying very hard that we will be able to pass that blessing on to others in a new setting, while at the same time mourning the pending loss of some friendships I hold very dear.

Time to sign off. See you later!

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